Sunday, May 17, 2009

Letter from the Editor

For some of us, it all went by way too fast, while for others it didn’t go nearly fast enough. I will not be sharing which I was, but for all of us, senior year has to end. Whether this is a good or bad thing, we will all at least miss something about our high school days. For me, that thing would have to be yearbook class. It is so much fun and I recommend it to anyone who is a future graphic designer or photographer, like me, or anyone who just likes to be creative ad artistic. We all work together as a team and have the best yearbook advisor ever, Mrs. Greggs.

Even though she gets stressed out and misplaces things sometimes, we all love her anyway. If you had an entire yearbook to put together, newspapers to get out, English classes to teach, and essays to grade, you would be a little stressed too. But somehow, she manages to do all of this without going completely insane. So, thank you Mrs. Greggs for doing what you do best and helping all of us to Remember ’09. You have been a major influence in my life and career path. I will most definitely miss you. Who knows, maybe someday I will end up being a yearbook/newspaper advisor.

I would also like to thank the entire yearbook class for working so hard on making this yearbook. We got so many pages turned in ahead of schedule this year, I was very impressed. Out of the three years that I have been a part of the yearbook staff, this has been our most creative yearbook yet! Thank you to our Yearbook Advertising Crew, the commercials were hilarious and original. To Andrew and Thad, my co-editors, we made a great team and created a pretty awesome yearbook cover!

Class of 2009, I wish all of you the best of luck in everything you do. I am going to miss all of you. You all have bright futures ahead of you, so don’t give up on your dreams. And to everyone who possesses this yearbook, I hope you enjoy it and can reminisce about all the good times you had here at Sullivan High School. We made this for you, to store and preserve your memories and to help you not forget to Remember ’09.


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